“Once a photograph of the Earth, taken from outside the Earth is available…a
new idea as powerful as any in history will be let loose.”
Kick up your perspective. Stretch your imagination. The James Webb Space Telescope is delivering startling new images of the universe from as close to the origin of creation as humans have ever peeked. In some images, what looks like a black canvas with single stars is actually dark space where each point of light is a galaxy. It boggles our sense of time and space. Now add the realization that information from the James Webb Space Telescope is delivered in infrared light and humans cannot see infrared. NASA must translate the data into colors and forms that humans can perceive. So even as we are humbled by the enormity of the universe, add another dose of humility, knowing that what we do see is only what our limited visual spectrum allows
I’ll be speaking on this and more—in April at the Renesan Institute in Santa Fe! Read below for more details on the event, which will be hybrid in-person and via Zoom.
Renesan Institute for Lifelong Learning: The Shape of Thinking Through Time
DATE: April 10, 2023, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
LOCATION: Online via Zoom and In-Person: 1200 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87505, Renesan Institute
COST: $20
Shape itself can help us read the past and glimpse the future. A web shape summarizes migratory humans’ worldview, imitated in round thatched huts, kivas, and Stonehenge. A ladder mindset arose with urban humans, reflected in structures from pyramids to skyscrapers. Today networks master our lives. What’s next? From web to ladder, network to next, we shape our world; then it shapes us.